11 Tips For How To Turn On A Skateboard (Beginner’s Guide)-Turn With Confidence in 2024
As a new skateboarder, one of the most important skills in which you will be interested in how to turn on a skateboard. Turns allow you to navigate your way around obstacles and make your way down a street or park path. There are a few different ways to turn on a skateboard, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.
How To Turn On a Skateboard
Many people are intimidated by skateboarding, thinking it looks difficult or dangerous. However, with a little practice, anyone can learn to ride a skateboard. The first step is to find a smooth, flat surface on which to practice. A sidewalk or driveway is ideal. Once you have found a suitable spot, place your skateboard on the ground and stand on it with both feet shoulder-width apart. Then, push off with one foot and glide along the ground. As you gain confidence, you can begin to try tricks like turning and jumping. With a little patience and practice, anyone can learn to skateboard. So don’t be afraid to give it a try.
1-Position your foot in the direction you want to turn the skateboard
When you’re comfortable with turning, experiment by positioning your feet in different places on the board. By leaning your weight towards one side, you can make sharper turns. This will come in handy when trying to navigate around tight corners. Be careful not to lean too far forward or backward, as this will make the board difficult to control.

You can also lean towards one side, lift up your back foot, and pivot around on the front skateboard truck. This is how you would do a “kick turn”, which will allow you to change directions very quickly instead of having to push off with both feet.
2-Leaning Into a Turn
Begin by shifting your weight in the direction you want to go. Then, bend at the knees and lean into your front foot to turn. This method is great for beginners because it’s easy to learn.

3-Adjust your board to make turning easier
If you’re having trouble turning with your best skateboard brand, try adjusting the trucks or wheels. Loosen the trucks if they’re too tight, or tighten them if they’re too loose. You can also try switching to wider or narrower wheels to make turning easier or more difficult. Experiment until you find the settings that work best for you.

4-Get moving before you turn
Pick up speed by riding on a straightaway and then make your turn. This will give you more momentum and make it easier to make the turn. Experiment with different speeds to find the one that works best for you.

5-Push down carefully on the tail
To turn using this method, you’ll need to push down carefully on the tail of the skateboard. If you know how to push on a skateboard then you will be able to lift up the front of the board and cause it to spin around. Make sure to keep your balance as you do this, and be prepared to catch yourself if you start to lose control.

6-Redirect the nose to turn
Try redirecting the nose to turn. This will help you make the turn without having to use as much force. To do this, simply tilt your body in the direction you want to go and lean on your front foot. This will cause the nose of the board to move in that direction, which will cause it to turn. Make sure to keep your balance as you do this, and be prepared to catch yourself if you start to lose control.

7-Do not lean backward!
Leaning back while turning will cause you to lose your balance and fall off the skateboard. Instead, lean forward and keep your balance as you turn. Try returning the front wheels to the ground and this will help you make the turn without having to use as much force. To do this, simply apply pressure to your back foot and push down on the tail of the board.
Moreover, this will cause the front wheels to touch the ground, which will cause the board to turn in that direction. Make sure to keep your balance as you do this, and be prepared to catch yourself if you start to lose control.

8-If you feel unsteady, get lower.
If you’re having trouble keeping your balance while turning, try getting down on your hands and knees. This will give you more stability and control. You can also try tucking your chin into your chest to help keep your balance. You can also provide more support to yourself by bending your knees and lowering your upper body. This will help you stay balanced while turning on a skateboard.
Remember, skateboarding is a lot of fun but it can also be dangerous. Always wear the appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet and knee pads, when skateboarding. Be aware of your surroundings and be careful when skating in busy areas. Have fun and stay safe.
9-Learn small turns before you learn big turns.
Mastering the basics, such as stopping and turning, is essential before you tackle more complicated tricks. Once you have the basics down, you can start to experiment with more advanced skills.
10-Adjust kick turns.
If you’re having trouble making sharp turns, try doing a “kick turn”. This is where you flip the board around and push it in the opposite direction with your feet. To do this, position yourself near the front of the skateboard and jump onto it as if you’re about to Ollie. Instead of jumping straight up, however, push the board away from you with your feet. This will cause it to flip around and you can then ride off in the opposite direction.

Turn the board so the heel of your front foot points to the side of your body where you want to go. When you lean towards that side, you’ll be able to turn sharper on a skateboard.
11-Put your foot back on the deck.
When practicing turns, try different positions. Don’t always ride with your feet in the middle; try moving them closer to the front or back of the board. The best skateboard deck size will help you get a better feel for the board and be able to control it more easily.
Now that you know how to turn on a skateboard, it’s time to put your skills to the test. Head out to your nearest skate park or street and practice carving around obstacles. Remember, practice makes perfect.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Make Sharp Turns on a Skateboard?
Making sharp turns on a skateboard is an essential skill for all skaters. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to learn. You can make sharp turns with your skateboard in any of three ways: by pushing off the tail of your board, by tilting your body in the direction you want to go and leaning on your front foot, or by returning the front wheels to the ground.
How to Turn on a Longboard?
Turning on a longboard is a little different than turning on a skateboard. You’ll need to use your whole body to turn the board, and you’ll also need to apply pressure to the back of the board to make it turn. Position your feet near the center of the longboard. This will give you more stability and control when turning.
How to Turn on a Skateboard by Leaning?
The most basic way to turn on a skateboard is by leaning your body in the direction you want to go. To do this, simply shift your weight to the side of the board you want to turn on. This type of turn is great for beginners because it’s easy to learn and doesn’t require much speed or momentum. However, it’s not the most efficient way to turn until you learn how to skateboard.
How to Do a Kick Turn on a Skateboard?
Another way to turn on your skateboard is by doing what’s called a kick turn. To do this, begin by turning sideways with one foot in front of the other. Then, lean onto the heel of your back foot while lifting up the front wheels.
Make sure you know how to fix a skateboard that turns by itself and has enough speed so that your wheels don’t bump against the ground when you pop them into the air. When you get comfortable with this, try to see how many complete revolutions around your back foot you can make without having your wheels touch the ground.
Why won’t my skateboard turn?
The most likely problem is a lack of speed. Remember that you need some momentum to make the board turn. If your wheels aren’t touching the ground or you’re going too slowly, then turning becomes very difficult.
Increase your speed by pushing on the tail of the board while balancing on it with one foot. This will force the best skateboard wheels to spin and create more speed. You can also try to get higher off the ground by doing an Ollie before turning.
Another problem could be that your trucks are too tight. This will make it difficult for the board to turn. Try loosening them a bit until you feel more control over the board.