9-Tips On How To Skateboard Without Falling (For Beginners) in 2024
A beginner always thinks about how long does it take to learn skateboarding; but if you are new to skateboarding, the best way to skateboard for beginners is by finding a safe place to practice, such as a park or a wide-open street. Be aware of your surroundings and make sure that there is no traffic before you start skating. Always wear protective gear, including a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Moreover, keep in mind the purpose of your skateboard deck size as it will help you to grow faster.
Be patient and take your time learning these skills. It may take some time before you feel comfortable enough to try tricks and know the fact where you can skateboard safely.
Skateboarding is a fun, active, and convenient way to move around. However, you must first learn how to skateboard in order to reap its full rewards. Fortunately, learning to skate isn’t difficult; with a little practice, you’ll soon be cruising around. Get a board initially, that is what you need to do. Shortboards and longboards are the two primary varieties of boards. Shortboards are more maneuverable since they are lighter and smaller. Longboards are more suitable for cruising and downhill travel. It’s time to put your helmet and padding on after selecting your board. It is always preferable to be safe than sorry, even if you are an expert skater.
9-Tips On How To Skateboard Without Falling
1-Try standing on the board without falling down.
This is probably the first thing you should try to do when learning how to skateboard. Just stand on the board and see if you can keep your balance. You don’t even need to move – just stay standing for as long as you can. If you can’t do it, that’s OK – it’ll take some practice.

2-Focus On Your Skateboard Stances
2.1-Regular foot placement
One of the first things you’ll learn about skateboarding is how to place your feet on the board. Most people start out with their regular foot in front, but you can try it the other way around if you want. Experiment a little to see what feels comfortable for you.
2.2-Goofy foot placement
Just as with regular foot placement, you can try goofy foot placement to see if it’s more comfortable for you. This is when your left foot is in front and your right foot is in back. Again, experiment a little to see what works best for you.

3-Mongo foot placement
Mongo foot placement is the most advanced way to place your feet on your best skateboard brand. This is when your left foot is in the back and your right foot is in front. If you’re just starting out, you don’t need to worry about this – it’s something to work up to.
4-BASICS (Mount, Move, Stop)
Mounting your board is the first step, and it’s pretty easy. Just place your foot on the board and push down with your heel until you’re in a standing position.
Once you’re on the board, it’s time to start moving. The most important part of learning how to skateboard is getting the feel for it, so just start moving your feet back and forth on the board. As long as you’re staying in a standing position, you’re doing fine – you can even hold onto something if you want to be extra safe. The last step is stopping. To stop, just put your foot down on the ground and push off with the other foot. You might have to do this a few times before you get the hang of it.
Once you’re comfortable with these basics, you can start learning some more advanced tricks. But for now, just focus on getting the hang of the basics.
The shove-it is a popular trick because it looks cool and pretty much anyone can do it. To do this, start by pushing your foot forward and then quickly move it back to its original position. Make sure you push the board as well – that’s what gives it that spinning effect.

How to do an ollie is a question mostly asked by beginners and it’s a bit more difficult than the shove-it. To do this, you’ll need to jump up into the air while keeping your board level. Once you’re in the air, quickly push down on the board with your foot to make it a spin.

7-Shift into the riding position
Once you’re comfortable with the basics, it’s time to learn how to shift into a riding position while still standing. This is another relatively easy trick, but make sure you practice while stationary before trying it out while going down a hill.
To do this trick, start by doing a shove-it and then quickly jumping up onto your board. Complete the trick by leaning backward and shifting your weight onto your back foot. This might take some practice, but once you get it down, you’ll be able to quickly switch into a riding position while still standing up.

8-Learn to turn
This is also pretty easy, but it takes a little bit of practice to get the hang of it. To turn, just lean in the direction you want to go. For example, if you want to turn right, lean your body to the right. The more you lean, the sharper you will turn.
If your board is not shifting or turning while practicing these tricks, it means that one of your wheels is probably in backward. This can happen easily when changing out your wheels, so make sure that you double-check before starting to ride.

9-Key skills to practice
9.1-Pushing off
If you only push with one foot, the board will go in a straight line and not turn. That’s why it’s important to learn how to push on a skateboard. To make the board turn, just press down on one foot while lightly pushing off with the opposite foot. Once you master this technique, it’ll be a breeze to make the board turn.

Carving is the act of turning while you’re riding. This is important to learn if you want to do tricks or ride downhills, so it’s worth the time and effort to practice your carving. When you carve, just lean in one direction but continue to shift your weight slightly back and forth so that the board turns along with you.

Kickturns are a way to turn the board while you’re standing still. To do this, just shift your weight onto one foot and push down on your other leg so that it moves into the air. This will cause the board to do a 180-degree turn.
Once you can go from pushing off with both feet straight to a riding position, you will be able to do anything on a skateboard from basic tricks to more complicated maneuvers. These skills are essential, so make sure you practice them until you have them down pat. Then, move on to the more advanced tricks and start impressing your friends and family.

The Tic-Tac is a more advanced trick that is done by flipping the board in the air and then catching it again. This trick takes a lot of practice to get right, so don’t get discouraged if you can’t do it at first. Just keep practicing until you eventually get it.
There are a few things to remember when trying to do the Tic-Tac. First, make sure you jump up high enough so that the board flips over completely. Second, try to time your catch so that the board lands back on the wheels. If you catch it too early or late, you’ll likely lose control and fall off.
Once you get the hang of it, the Tic-Tac is a pretty impressive trick that will make you look like a pro. Just be sure to practice plenty before trying it out in front of a crowd.
Skateboarding is a pretty dangerous activity, so it’s important to know what you’re doing before trying any tricks. These basic skills will help you get started, but don’t forget to practice regularly and stay safe by wearing the best helmet brand. If you’re having trouble with certain tricks, it might help to break it down and practice each individual step. This will help you learn the trick more easily and prevent any mistakes.