How to Build Quarter Pipe Skateboard Ramp?
A quarter pipe is a half-pipe with only one side, typically found in skate parks. They can also be built in backyards. This type of ramp is good for doing tricks like ollies and manuals, and for practicing your air game.
How to build a quarter pipe skateboard ramp in 5 easy steps:
1. Find a level spot in your yard or elsewhere to build the ramp. If you’re building it on grass, you may want to put down a tarp first to keep the ramp from sinking into the ground.
2. Place two sheets of plywood side by side, making sure they’re flush with each other. Use screws or nails to attach the sheets together.
3. Cut one end of each sheet at a 45-degree angle. These will be the ends of your ramp.
4. Place one of the angled ends on a block or something else that’s about two feet tall. This will be one end of your ramp.
5. Attach the other sheet to the first one at the other end, making sure the angles line up. Again, use screws or nails to attach them together.
6. Place your second block or object at the other end of the ramp. Make sure it’s level with the first one.
7. Cover the entire ramp with grip tape. This will help keep your feet from slipping.

3′ Quarter Pipe Materials:
- 4′ x 8′ sheet of 3/4″ plywood
- 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ lumber (8′)
- 1/4″ deck screws
- Construction adhesive
- 1/2″ drywall screws
- Jigsaw
- Drill
- Tape measure
- Square
- Level
How to Build a Quarter Pipe Skateboard Ramp: Instructions:
1. Cut the plywood: With a jigsaw, cut a half-circle out of each 4′ x 8′ sheet of 3/4″ plywood. The finished product should look like two quarter-circles.
2. Assemble the frame: Using the 1 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ lumber, cut four 48″ long pieces and four 24″ long pieces. Assemble these into a rectangle using the deck screws and construction adhesive. This will be the frame of your quarter pipe ramp.
3. Attach the plywood: With the drywall screws, attach the two sheets of plywood to the frame. Make sure that the screws are countersunk so that they don’t interfere with skating.
4. Cut and attach the coping: The coping is the metal or plastic edge that goes around the top of the ramp. It provides a smooth transition for skaters as they go from the ramp to the ground. To install it, first, cut it to length with a hacksaw. Then, using the deck screws, attach them to the top of the quarter pipe.
Framing a quarter pipe is similar to framing a half pipe. The main difference is that a quarter pipe only has one transition, while a half pipe has two.
When you’re cutting the plywood for a quarter pipe, it’s important to make sure that the cuts are perfectly straight. If they’re not, the ramp won’t be symmetrical and it will be harder to skate on.
To make sure that the cuts are straight, it’s a good idea to use a jigsaw with a guide. A guide is simply a piece of wood or metal that you attach to the plywood so that the jigsaw follows it as you cut. You can make a guide out of anything that’s long and straight, like a 2×4 or a length of doweling.
Once you’ve cut the plywood, it’s time to assemble the frame. For a quarter pipe, you’ll need four pieces of lumber that are 48″ long and four pieces that are 24″ long. Assemble these into a rectangle using the deck screws and construction adhesive.
Next, attach the plywood to the frame. You can do this with either nails or screws, but screws are better because they’re less likely to come loose. Make sure that the screws are countersunk so that they don’t interfere with skating.
Attaching the Deck
Attaching the deck may seem like a simple task, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, the deck needs to be attached securely so that it doesn’t come loose while someone is skating on it. Second, the screws need to be countersunk so that they don’t stick up and catch on clothes or skin.
To attach the deck, start by predrilling holes through the plywood and into the frame. Then, use deck screws to secure the plywood to the frame. Make sure that the screws are countersunk so that they don’t stick up and catch on clothes or skin.
Covering the Ramp
Once the frame is built and the deck is attached, you need to cover the ramp with a material that will provide a smooth, slippery surface for skating. The most common material used for this is plywood, but you can also use Masonite or another type of hardboard.
Attaching the Masonite
Attaching the Masonite is similar to attaching the plywood. Start by predrilling holes through the Masonite and into the frame. Then, use deck screws to secure the Masonite to the frame. Make sure that the screws are countersunk so that they don’t stick up and catch on clothes or skin.
Caring for your Home Made 3′ Quarter Pipe
Now that you’ve built your own 3′ quarter pipe, it’s important to take care of it so that it will last for years. Here are a few tips:
- Inspect the ramp regularly for loose screws or nails. Tighten or replace them as necessary.
- If the ramp starts to sag, add additional support to the frame.
- If the ramp is going to be stored outside, cover it with a tarp to protect it from the weather.
- Periodically check the deck for splinters and sand them down as necessary.
By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your quarter pipe will provide years of enjoyment.
To sum up, constructing a quarter-pipe skateboard ramp is a gratifying and exhilarating project for skateboarders of any level. By following the steps mentioned in this guide, you can build a ramp that is secure and functional, giving you countless hours of fun and skill development. Always prioritize safety, use high-quality materials, and pay attention to detail throughout the construction process. Whether you are an experienced skateboarder aiming to refine your skills or a beginner eager to try your first drop-in, your self-made quarter pipe will surely become a central location for your skateboarding adventures.
So, gather your tools, gather your materials, and get set to shred on your very own quarter pipe. Skateboarding is all about creativity, and constructing your ramp is only the first step in unleashing your full potential on four wheels. Have an enjoyable ride!
What are the dimensions of a quarter pipe ramp?
Quarter Pipe Ramp – 4ft Wide
Weight: 175 lbs.
Height: 3 feet, 2 inches.
Width: 4 feet.
Length/Depth: 6 feet, 5 inches.
Tools Needed: Drill and Wrench.
Assembly Time: 1-2 hours.
Shipping Cost: FREE!
Skate Paint: Requires 1 quart.
Is it hard to build a quarter pipe?
A quarter pipe ramp is a must-have ramp for skateboarding. You can also easily use this quarter pipe ramp for bikes, or anything else that you might want a ramp for! The 3′ quarter pipe is a medium-difficulty project, but not too hard. These instructions are for a ramp that is 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide.
Is a half pipe a ramp?
A halfpipe is just that, literally, half of a sphere or pipe. These ramps can be used for skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX, or any other extreme sports enthusiast. Each halfpipe has two sloped sides and a flat section in between. Riders increase momentum by “dropping in” the ramp and going from side to side.